What has been happening....?
MUTARE SPCA has, of late, had a hectically busy, hectically happy time. The Red Mum, who you will know from our earlier report, now has the most WONDERFUL home. She was chosen, along with her fat and fluffy pup, The Poo-Bear, to travel cross country to live on the banks of the beautiful, rugged Limpopo River. Her name is now Saffron. The two are having the time of their lives, a dream life for an adventurous intelligent dog such as this, and her babe.

We recently confiscated a dreadfully abused, starved and terrified dog, who we named Little Hope, for both its meanings. She has a long and tough road ahead, but if love truly heals, she will be healed as she already has a home that is seeing her through this very tough recovery time.

We have been in court four times. We await the cattle cruelty case judgement, and the other three somewhat traumatic cases are ongoing, mainly cruelty. Zimbabwe thankfully has stringent animal cruelty laws!
On high note, we are very proud to say that we have three new Inspectors, one of whom, Mr. Simba Karumbidza, has been fortunate to be employed formally at the Mutare SPCA to assist Mr Noel Usore, who is soon to retire. Thank you ZNSPCA! The other two, Mr. William Newengo and Mrs Angela Wright will be seconded if we can find the resources to do so. We have the work for them, but cannot afford to pay them at this time. If we were able to fully fund their worth, the SPCA will face security to a better degree.

This past week has been a wonderful one! Two volunteers and two of our recently qualified Inspectors travelled to a small town called Hauna in the Honde Valley, along our eastern border with Mozambique. What a beautiful place, surrounded by phenomenal high ridges and weird rock outcrops. VAWZ, Vets for Animal Welfare Zimabwe, an independent charity had secured the sponsorship to run a 3 day mass vaccination and sterilisation campaign, and we were invited to join them. By 8am on the 1st day the queue already spoke of the need for this campaign, and folk continued to arrive all day in a heart-warming stream of people and dogs, every shape and every size. One by one, fearful of this completely new experience, uncertain on their necklace leads, or in cocky little packs, over confident and show-offy, (whats all this about, then?) they came.

Some had walked for miles, defying their puppyhood or old age. On the first day, over 500 dogs were vaccinated, and over 50 neutered or spayed. This was held for a further two days. How is this possible the First World will ask? ..... through the slick and professional organization of VAWZ. Four vets, including The American Max from Idaho, Caro, Faith and Whisper from Zimbabwe, together with their Inspectors, and all under the watch of Mel Hood.

Mutare SPCA certainly learned a lot, and worked to a standstill to help out. Watching our two new Inspectors counselling with kindness and patience the infinite queue of dog owners made us proud, and fulfilled, until the last left, walking literally into the cool Hauna sunset. Some dogs, still a bit anaesthetic -wobbly, some aloft broad shoulders or carried in strong arms, all with a small packet of dog biscuits to take home.

But the day was not yet over for the VAWZ Team. Preparations for the next day’s work, washing all the drapes and gowns, pressure-cooker sterilizing all the instruments, re-packing all the boxes and trunks had to be done before we finally sat down for a quiet dinner together. Sunrise over tea estates framed by mountains, hot tea in hand, it was a proud team that chatted on the broad NRE verandah.
The next programme is in a few weeks, 20 June, and Mutare SPCA would be extremely grateful if some of their expenses could be covered, via a donation from Global Giving. We would love to be able to host VAWZ to do the same locally, close to Mutare for the many unemployed and poor people that live here and in neighbouring rural areas.
Finally, in August Mutare SPCA again has the pleasure of hosting our biggest fundraiser: The Blue Cross. This 500km ultra distance event encompasses all disciplines, cycling, walking, horse-riding, and relays. The participants will go from the lowest point in Zimbabwe to the highest. 500kms of unsupported travel through remote and rugged county. An adventure for the adventurous. All the SPCAs in the country can receive donations from their respective communities.

We live constantly looking for assistance, and for ways to save money, we look for homing opportunities, and a reason to go on.
Please... if you have the wherewithal, make a donation to our cause. We make a difference without losing hope. We cannot lose the infrastructure the past has set up for us, as it will be impossible to get restarted.